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UG students explore their future at career event

Posted May 1, 2024

On April 23, 2024, the Arthur Arena Community Centre hosted an “Explore Your Future” event, drawing nearly 500 Grade 8 students from all regions of the Upper Grand District School Board.

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GCVI hosts apprenticeship 101 panel for students

Posted April 30, 2024

Former GCVI alum returned to the school to share their experiences working in the local trades industry with the current tenth grade class.

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CEC hosts a variety of local career fairs

Posted March 22, 2024

The Career Education Council (CEC) is hosting multiple career fairs this spring with a diverse selection of career, employment and community pathways for the Guelph and greater Wellington region. 

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Get ready for High School – Course selection starts in January

Posted December 20, 2023

Getting ready for high school is an exciting time for grade 8 students and their families. Did you know that course selection for incoming grade 9s happens in January?

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UG students attend interactive agricultural career fair

Posted November 29, 2023

Last week Thursday, AgScape, Grand River Agricultural Society, and the UGDSB collaborated to host a day-long career fair for more than 600 students.

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Students and families invited to ‘Your Future, Your Choice’ resource fair

Posted November 8, 2023

Wednesday, November 15 the Career Education Council (CEC) is hosting the ‘Your Future, Your Choice’ – a one stop education, career, community and resource fair for students and families. 

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UGDSB students explore career pathways

Posted October 18, 2023

On October 18, 2023, hundreds of grade 8 students from several Upper Grand District School Board schools attended a Career Pathways event at the Italian Canadian Club in Guelph.

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UGDSB SHSM students learn ins and outs of Tech Industry 

Posted June 15, 2023

The Upper Grand District School Board’s Specialist High Skills Major program had the great opportunity this year to immerse students in the world of technology through a unique Co-op program. 

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Explore your future: CEC hosts North Wellington Career Fair 

Posted April 19, 2023

On April 18, 2023, grade 8 students from the Upper Grand District School Board headed to the Mount Forest Sports Complex to gain valuable insights into possible career pathways.  

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Career Education Council provides career exploration opportunities for UGDSB students

Posted February 9, 2023

The UGDSB, in collaboration with the  Career Education Council (CEC) is providing a variety of career exploration events for students.

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