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Equity and Inclusion: School Resources

Culturally Responsive Novels

Culturally responsive teaching and resources focus on various identities and lived experiences in ways that validate and reflect a variety of diverse people and their lives. These books and many more are developed for educator use and can be accessed through your school’s Teacher Librarian.

Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions Equity and Inclusion Toolkit

In 2018, the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) made a commitment to build on their existing work with young workers and equity-seeking groups by creating an Equity and Inclusion Toolkit. The toolkit provides resources to support the CFNU, Member Organizations and individual members to grow and expand advocacy in these areas. The toolkit contains a range of materials, including: FAQs, an introduction to using equity lens, a glossary of inclusive language, an organizational scan checklist, an event accessibility checklist, sample workshops and sample policies/position statements: Federation of Nurses Union - Equity Toolkit cover image

Prayer Room Signage

Location Door Sign Prayer Room

Click here to download the signage

For Use by All Washroom Signage


Equity & Mental Health Walk Through Form

Sustainable Development Program

Coming soon.